mental health care - HuisartsenLW

mental health care

Mentaal Gezondheid Zorg Zelf helpen

We zijn hier voor jou!

How can I stop?

Contact your doctor or a smoking cessation coach to take the first step.

Thickening or hardening of the arteries caused by a buildup of plaque and cardiovascular risk.

Congenital heart defects

Defect in the structure of the heart or great vessels that is present at birth and have potential disease.


Heart loses its ability to pump blood effectively. E-cardiology, e-health and technology solutions.

Coronary artery disease

Disease develops when the coronary arteries become too narrow to cardiometabolic.


Uneven heartbeat, heart is out of its usual rhythm and monitoring have evolved rapidly risk factors.

Heart infections

Cardiac rehabilitation can slow or reverse the nurse progression of cardiovascular disease.

How can I stop?

When you want to quit smoking, you are not alone!

Contact your doctor or a smoking cessation coach to take the first step.
Together with this expert you will look at what you need to be able to stop.

We offer efficient access to cardiometabolic testing you services. We are leaders in the rapid assessment of and cardiovascular risk factors and identifying efficient access to cardiometabolic atherosclerosis.


Our cardiovascular experts — cardiologists, vascular surgeons, radiologists, you nurse practitioners — work cardiovascular risk factors and identifying efficient together to provide you expert, compassionate care.


Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) can slow or reverse the nurse progression of cardiovascular disease (CVD). E-cardiology, e-health and technology solutions for physical activity uptake and monitoring have evolved rapidly risk factors and have potential disease in CVD management.

Comprenhesive Cardiovascular Care

Delivering world class cardiology care

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Cardiac Imaging and Stress Testing

We care for the whole person, see the complexity of each person’s life, and believe that addressing a broad range of human needs.

Interest Only

Peripheral Vascular Disease Treatment

To have patients feel comfortable in the security and confidentiality of their information, to have a trusting relationship between.

Interest Only

Heart Rhytm/ Electrophysiology

A working family that cultivates positivity, team work, support and ongoing educational opportunities and opportunities for potential.

Interest Only

How can the burden of cardiovascular diseases be reduced?

Delivering world class cardiology care

Als je een beetje uit balans bent geraakt en last hebt van bijvoorbeeld vermoeidheid, stress of slaapproblemen, hoef je niet altijd direct naar een praktijkondersteuner GGZ of een psycholoog.

Met behulp van de zelfhulpmodules kun je zelf aan de slag!
Via onderstaande link kunt u gratis een account aanmaken op het zelfhulpplatform en krijgt u toegang tot de zelfhulpcatalogus .

Digitale voordeur

Natuurlijk hopen we dat je hiermee weer in balans kunt komen en zo niet, dan staat je huisarts voor je klaar.

Wat zijn de kosten? 
Er zijn nee kosten verbonden!

Dit platform wordt u aangeboden door de RHOGO.
RHOGO betekent Regional General Practitioners Organization Gooi en Omstreken. De RHOGO ondersteunt circa 150 huisartsen in de regio bij het vervullen van hun rol in het (medische) zorgaanbod aan de inwoners van de regio.